Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to help from losing your memory as you age

If you are concerned about your memory, and the potential for loss as you age, there are a variety of ways and tactics to help you remember things. Here are several effective tricks to keep your memory working well.

"Chunking" is a fantastic strategy to assist you remember pieces of information. Breaking information into small chunks makes it simpler to remember it. You might not realize you are doing it, but at which time you commit to memory your telephone number, you may break up the numbers. It is easiest to learn by heart chunks of information in groups of 3, four, or five, as individuals could only remember about 3, four, or 5 bits of information at one time.

Go Here To Learn About Improving Your Memory Dramatically

Avoid foods high in salt and saturated fats, together with fast food. It has been scientifically proven that these foods could lead to carotid artery disease, which cuts off the brain's oxygen source. Losing oxygen stops the part of the brain that holds memory from learning and finding information.

A good tip for improving your memory is to visualize. This may be very important with any procedural or physical type of activity because you might not always be able to do the activity in question, but if you could go thru it in your brain it will be the next best thing.

Exercise your body - exercise your mind. By exercising often, you add to the sum of oxygen that gets to your brain, and diminish the chance of conditions that could contribute to memory loss, such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise might also increase the effects of certain chemicals that assist the brain to function at its best.

Try studying in various locations and at different times of the day. This will assist you to you conclude what works best for you, and also make certain that you can remember information in different settings. Probably you will not be taking an exam in conditions akin to the ones you studied for it in.

Keep a figure in your mind for each common task. Do you regularly use a library computer and always leave your USB drive behind? Think "three" or whichever the appropriate number is. Mentally number the items you need to pick up each and every time you leave. Perhaps your keys, your library card, and your USB card?

Dehydration may influence both your memory and your ability to think clearly so make certain that you consume at least eight glasses of water on a day by day basis. Dehydration is like hunger in that while you are focusing on being thirsty, you are not focusing on the item at hand that you are trying to recall or commit to memory.

Improve memory with mnemonics. Use an acronym to think of lists of related things. For instance, 'Homes' is used to summon up the names of the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior. The 1st letter of the words in a sentence could stand for a list of words which you need to remember. For instance, "Every good boy does fine" can be utilized to commit to memory the notes on the lines of a treble clef: E,G,B,D and F.

Use these tips to help you improve your memory! Memory is one of the most valuable things to have, so make certain you guard it and keep it in good working condition.

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